<updated: 7/26/19>
If you are a Summerplace resident, and a first time user of this website
Summerplace Calendar - User Guide
The official Summerplace calendar is maintained by the HOA office. It is a Google calendar, made up of a number of separate calendars, one for each venue. The calendar included here on the website is an exact copy of the calendar maintained by the office and is continuously updated. If you wish to add a meeting, or change something already on the calendar, please use the Clubhouse Calendar Request Form, which can be found on the Forms page.
This page is a brief User Guide to the calendar, intended for those who may not be familiar with Google calendars. You may return to the calendar at any time by clicking the "return to calendar' button.
Multiple Venues and Calendars
Meetings, events, etc. (let's call them collectively "activities" for the moment) are scheduled in a number of venues. Each venue is managed by its own calendar, with all venue calendars then being combined together into the official Summerplace Calendar.
Our venues are:
Wy'East Room
Klickitat Room
Mazama Room
Meeting Rooms
Tennis Courts
Special Events
if you click the arrow head at the top right-hand corner of the calendar, you will see a drop-down menu of all the venue calendars. If you wish, you can de-select any of these venue calendars, which will remove all activities scheduled in that venue from the current view of the calendar. This may be useful to simplify the calendar and allow you to focus on particular venues.
Calendar Views
You can view the calendar by week, month or in (daily) agenda mode. There is also a printer view if you would like to print the calendar. There are buttons at the top right of the calendar to allow you to select the view you wish. We will explore each of these views separately.
View by Month
The default view of the calendar is the monthly view, with the current month listed at the top left of the calendar. Use the left-right arrows to move to another month; you can also click the down arrow to the right of the month and use the resulting pop-up window to select any month that you wish. To return to the current month, click the "today" button.
Events and meetings scheduled for every day during the month that you are viewing are listed per day by start time. Click on any activity for more information; it will appear in a pop-up window. If there are more meetings listed than can fit in the allocated space for any particular day, there will be a link at the bottom of the day. Click this link and the space for that day will expand, listing all events for that day.
View by Week
If you wish to view the calendar by week, click the appropriate button at the top right of the calendar. You will now see all activities for the current week, which is listed at the top left of the calendar. Use the left-right arrows to move to another week; you can also click the down arrow to the right of the week and use the resulting pop-up window to select any week that you wish. To return to the current week, click the "today" button.
You will notice that the weekly display is a multi-colored graphical display. Colors represent the venue for the activity. Click on any activity and additional details will appear in a pop-up window.
View by Agenda
The agenda view of the calendar is a daily listing of all activities for every day. By default, the Agenda view begins with the current day. All activities for that day are listed, followed by the next day, and so on for ever!
To select the agenda view, click the appropriate button at the top right of the calendar. You will now see all activities for the current day, which is listed at the top left of the calendar. Use the left-right arrows to move ahead to another day; you can also click the down arrow to the right of the day and use the resulting pop-up window to select any day that you wish. To return to the current day, click the "today" button.
Click on any agenda item and the window will expand to show more details about that activity.
Printing the Calendar
You can print any view of the calendar. First, make sure that you have selected the desired calendar view (monthly, weekly, daily), then click the "Print" button.
A print preview will pop up, showing what the print will look like and providing you the ability to select things like date-range, etc. Click "print" when you are ready.
Adding an event to your Calendar
If you use a Google calendar for your own personal use, you can add specific activities from the Summerplace calendar to your own personal calendar. Simply click on the desired activity and in the pop-up window, click the link "add to calendar".
This will cause your browser to open another window containing your own personal Google calendar. Make sure all the settings are correct and then click "Save".
<updated: 12/1/23>