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The Summerplace Library in the Clubhouse is a wonderful resource for residents. It is filled with books, magazines and puzzles which residents can borrow and return on the honor system. Donations from residents keep materials in the library. Due to space constraints, only books with copyright dates within the past ten years are accepted including mysteries, fiction, romances, westerns, history, autobiographies, and biographies.

The Library is also a comfortable place to bring your laptop or mobile device and log on to the (free) Clubhouse Wi-Fi to check email, or peruse the internet.

The Library Committee is made up of resident volunteers who do a number of tasks to keep the library operational and current. Be sure to stop by and spend a little time in the Library the next time you visit the Clubhouse. 

The Library
The Library is a quiet place to sit and read, or just think.


<updated: 7/22/21>

© 2018-2025

Summerplace Homeowners Association,

Portland, OR

Summerplace Homeowners Association

2020 NE 150th Ave, Portland, OR 97230

Phone: 503-257-0733

Fax: 503-257-9799

Office hours:

- 8:30am to 1:30pm

- Noon to 3:00pm

- 8:30am to 1:30pm



Wed thru Fri 

Closed Holidays

Contact webmaster for comments or concerns regarding this website

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