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Condominium Floorplans - Windsor

Windsor Place contains a total of 78 units in 3 buildings, each containing 26 units. Secure parking for all units is provided in the basement of each building.

There are 4 different floorplans of varying sizes, all are 2-bed, 2-bath. All units include a private balcony. Check the list below for the original builders' floorplans. Alternatively, download all floorplans as a single document.

1,457 sq. ft., 2 Bed, 2 Bath

1,457 sq. ft., 2 Bed, 2 Bath

1,120 sq. ft., 2 Bed, 2 Bath

1,446 sq. ft., 2 Bed, 2 Bath

All documents on this page are in pdf format. You can open and read all documents online, but if you wish to download a document, you may need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer or tablet. Get the latest version here.



<updated: 5/20/22>

© 2018-2025

Summerplace Homeowners Association,

Portland, OR

Summerplace Homeowners Association

2020 NE 150th Ave, Portland, OR 97230

Phone: 503-257-0733

Fax: 503-257-9799

Office hours:

- 8:30am to 1:30pm

- Noon to 3:00pm

- 8:30am to 1:30pm



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