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Summerplace People

Many people work behind the scenes to make our community such a wonderful place to live. On this page, we feature a few of those wonderful volunteers who can often be found working in the clubhouse or around the neighborhood.

​If you would like to nominate someone to be featured here, please contact the tech committee.

Tree Trimming

Gary Smith and Lou Livingston are pictured while trimming an overgrown area by the pickleball courts and the swimming pool.

Taken 9/23/24

Gary Smith Lou Livingston Tree Trim 092324.500.jpg

Photographs are posted in a secure area of the website and are accessible only by Summerplace residents with website membership credentials. Accordingly, it is not necessary for people featured in these photographs to have a signed photo release form on file in the Summerplace office. However, if you would like to have a photograph of yourself removed from this page, please contact the office.


<updated: 9/27/24>

© 2018-2025

Summerplace Homeowners Association,

Portland, OR

Summerplace Homeowners Association

2020 NE 150th Ave, Portland, OR 97230

Phone: 503-257-0733

Fax: 503-257-9799

Office hours:

- 8:30am to 1:30pm

- Noon to 3:00pm

- 8:30am to 1:30pm



Wed thru Fri 

Closed Holidays

Contact webmaster for comments or concerns regarding this website

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